Costa Rica is generally considered a safe destination for travelers. It is known for its friendly people, stable political environment, and relatively low crime rates compared to other countries in the region. However, like any destination, it's important to take some common-sense precautions:
  •  In tourist areas, petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag-snatching can occur. Keep an eye on your belongings and be cautious in crowded areas.
  •  Always lock your car and avoid leaving valuables inside. Use secure parking areas when possible, and be cautious about where you park.
  •  Stick to well-populated and well-lit areas, especially if you’re wearing valuable items. Avoid showing off expensive jewelry in less secure or unfamiliar neighborhoods.

As long as you stay aware and follow basic safety guidelines, Costa Rica offers a great experience with its beautiful landscapes, rich biodiversity, and welcoming culture.
To secure your reservation we will always request a percentage in advance to cover either hotels or tours. The best way to do it is through PayPal, it can also be done by credit card but the percentage of bank commission and taxes will be much higher (18% more). We accept cash payments once you arrive in the country or international bank transfers.
Yes, you can use U.S. dollars in Costa Rica, and they are widely accepted, especially in tourist areas, hotels, restaurants, and shops. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Exchange Rates: The exchange rate between U.S. dollars and the Colón (Official currrency) can vary. When using dollars, be aware that the exchange rate offered might not be as favorable as what you’d get at a currency exchange.

Change: Businesses may give change in colón, so it’s useful to have some local currency on hand. Additionally, smaller establishments or local markets might prefer or only accept colón.

ATMs: If you need local currency, ATMs are available, and many allow you to withdraw colón directly from your U.S. bank account, often with a foreign transaction fee.

Currency Exchange: If you need to exchange U.S. dollars for colón, you can do so at banks, currency exchange offices, and some hotels. It’s a good idea to compare rates to get the best deal.
Quizales Travel provides a range of transportation services to help travelers navigate the country efficiently. Here's a detailed overview of what we offer:
  •  Private Transfers: Offers a direct, comfortable ride from the airport to your hotel or other destination. Ideal for a hassle-free experience.
  •  Group Transfers: Suitable for larger groups, providing transportation to various destinations with flexibility and comfort.
Tipping in Costa Rica is not mandatory but it is a kind gesture that is appreciated by those who provide service.
In Costa Rica, the safety of drinking water can vary depending on where you are. Here’s a general overview:

Urban Areas:
    San José and Major Cities: In urban areas like San José, the tap water is generally considered safe to drink. The water supply is well-regulated and treated to meet safety standards. Tourist Areas: Most tourist destinations and hotels in popular areas have access to clean, potable water.
Rural and Remote Areas:
    Tap Water: In more rural or remote areas, tap water might not always meet the same safety standards. It’s advisable to check with locals or your accommodation about the water quality. Natural Sources: Water from natural springs, rivers, or wells may not be safe without proper treatment or filtration.
Overall, while tap water in major cities and tourist areas is generally safe to drink, exercising caution and opting for bottled water in rural areas is a wise approach.

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